Tips for your pets in the heat

Tips for your pets in the heat

Tips for your pets in the heat

While we often enjoy spending time in the sun, a heatwave can be dangerous for dogs. Being aware of the risks and how to help your dog is vital.

Heatstroke in dogs

Unlike humans, dogs cannot sweat through their skin. They rely on panting and releasing heat through their paw pads and nose to regulate their body temperature. If they cannot cool down, they will quickly develop heatstroke. Signs of heatstroke include:

  • purple gums or red skin
  • collapse
  • diarrhoea
  • vomiting
  • excessive panting
  • dribbling

If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, move them to a cool place and keep them still and calm. Wet their coat with tepid water and contact your vet immediately. In severe cases, if heatstroke is left untreated, it can be fatal.

If you suspect your pet is suffering from the condition, move them to a cool place, preferably with a draught, wet their coat with cool - not freezing - water, and contact your vet immediately.

How hot is too hot for dogs?

Temperatures up to 20 degrees celsius are suitable for most dogs. You can continue to walk and play with your dog in this weather. Temperatures over 20 degrees celsius can put dogs at higher risk of heatstroke, especially during exercise. Dogs with underlying conditions – such as obesity – are at risk even in temperatures cooler than this.

How to keep dogs cool

Preventing heatstroke is always better than treating it. You can do this by helping your dog to stay cool in hot weather:

  • Make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water at all times, ideally in a large bowl filled to the brim. You can also add ice cubes to keep water cold. Always bring a travel bowl and water with you on walks.
  • Limit exercise to early morning when temperatures are lower. During a heatwave, temperatures will often stay high in the evening. On particularly hot days you should avoid exercise altogether.
  • Offer cooling treats, such as ice licksrefreshing smoothies and frozen Kong recipes
  • Place a fan near your dog’s favourite resting spot – just make sure they can avoid the breeze if they choose
  • Stay on top of daily grooming as matted fur can prevent dogs from regulating their own temperature

Find more tips on how to help your dog stay cool in summer.